Did Jesus really exist?

Students in my High School Scripture class often ask me whether or not Jesus really existed.

They want proof that Jesus from Nazareth was a real figure of history and not just a figure of our imaginations.

The truth is that nearly every proper historian agrees that Jesus was a real person who is a part of world history.

What’s more, the actual words of the New Testament stand up to the tests of history, too.

Which means that we’ve all got to take the words of Jesus seriously and listen to what he says.

And as the author C. S. Lewis famously noted, we will then be forced to choose whether Jesus was a lunatic, a liar or Lord.

This Sunday, we’ll be hearing how Jesus said he was Lord… and why he’s not a liar or a lunatic.

Jesus is Lord… and it’s great news for us who believe it and trust in him.
