Sermon Series – ‘I Will Build My Church’
3rd March – What’s happening when the church meets? – Hebrews 10:1-25 and 1 Corinthians 11:17-33
10th March – How is God building a bigger church? – 1 Corinthians 14:1-25 and 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5
Real Hope Week only 3 weeks away – can you help with midweek meals and hospitality?
It’s a privilege to welcome 20 Moore College students to our church as our guests and as volunteers to help connect with our community and to preach Christ to our neighbourhood. During the day, they’ll be hanging around the church and needing morning and afternoon tea as well as lunch each day. Can you help serve and provide food during the week? If so, please see David Slocombe or indicate on the Comment Card.
Parish Council
This Tuesday night 7.30pm in the church.
Men’s Dinner
Tuesday 5th March 6.30pm, ‘Relish at the Links’. Speaker: Matthew Meek. Cost $25. RSVP next Sunday.
Men’s BBQ Breakfast
Saturday 23rd March 8am at the church. Part of Real Hope Week. Freeā¦ but RSVP if you can. Bring a friend. Guest speaker from the Moore College team.
Annual General Meeting next Sunday
Next Sunday the 3rd March at 11am we will elect Wardens, Parish Counsellors and Nominators. Please make nominations in advance by completing the pink form on the information desk.
Direct Giving
To give financially to the ministry of our church and beyond: BSB 062 638 Account Number 0090045 Account Name St Andrew’s Anglican Church