This Sunday will feature the last talk on our series about the church, called ‘I will build my church’. We’re going to consider just how it is that God is making his church bigger… or ‘evangelism’, to use the technical term.
As we examine this, we’ll also get a good idea of just how we should be reaching out to our community with the news about Jesus, and what that means for our Sunday services, our midweek small groups, our youth and children’s groups, and our special events.
And this is really handy for us, because this is the last Sunday before our big, eight-day ‘Real Hope Week’ outreach event that starts on the 17th March. So expect lots of talk about logistics, letterbox drops, and lunches.
If you’re new and checking out a church to come to, it’s a great week to come, as you’ll see us getting revved up to connect with the community… and that means we’ll be extra revved up to connect with you!
See you Sunday!