Seniors Service and Lunch
Join together on Remembrance Day – the 11th of November at 11am – for a day to remember our fallen and to remember Jesus Christ. For seniors and their family and friends. Delicious lunch only $6 per person, payable on the day.
Ladies’ Dinner
Our next Ladies’ Dinner is on Tuesday night 19th November and features guest speaker, Tara Stenhouse. It will be held at the Shell Cove Brasserie. The price is $25 per person (or $15 for pensioners and students), payable at the door. Bookings are essential, and can be made by emailing or phoning our office on 4256 6464. RSVP the Sunday night before the Tuesday dinner.
Taylor Travels
Come together to see Pete and Glenda’s holiday snaps from their recent trip, and find out how their visit helped them understand more of the Bible’s background. Meet at the church Saturday night 23rd November at 7pm for coffee and dessert.
Community Carols
Put the date in your diary and start inviting friends! The Sunday night before Christmas, the 22nd December at 5pm.
Christmas Green Day
To help publicise our Christmas Community Carols we’re having another Green Day on Sunday 8th December at 11am. Join together to deliver brochures to letterboxes then meet up for a sausage sizzle at the church.
Weekendaway 2014
Make sure you keep the date free – 21st to 23rd March next year at the ‘Waterslea’ site in Nowra for great Bible teaching from Mark Thompson, and great opportunities to informally spend time together across the ages of our church.
Grab a Southern Cross Magazine
The latest edition of the Southern Cross magazine is available for free at the table at the entrance.
Give to the bushfire appeal
To give to the Archbishop of Sydney’s bushfire appeal, please mark your gifts through the collection, or give directly by following the link on our website here.
Direct giving
To give financially to the ministry of our church and beyond: BSB 062 638 Account Number 00900445 Account Name St Andrew’s Anglican Church.