News and events for the week beginning 1st December 2013

Men’s Dinner

Our next Men’s Dinner is this Tuesday night 3rd December and features guest speaker, Mark Thompson. It will be held at the Shell Cove Brasserie. The price is $25 per person (or $16 for pensioners and students), payable at the door. Bookings are essential, and can be made by emailing or phoning John Wilson on 0439 561 373. RSVP the Sunday night before the Tuesday dinner (or 9am the day before at the very latest).

Christmas Card Campaign

We’ve already started distributing Christmas cards to the school students we teach through Scripture, and we’d love you to take as many as you can give away to locals, be they family members, friends, neighbours or others. Please take a bundle, but don’t waste them… the remaining cards will be placed in letterboxes in our region. If you are friendly with a local business or community group, please see Jodie about getting one of our limited-edition colour posters, too.

Seniors Service

Our next Seniors Service and Lunch is on Monday 9th December at 11am at the church.

Community Carols Celebration

Put the date in your diary and start inviting friends! The Sunday night before Christmas, the 22nd December at 5pm.

Christmas Green Month

STOP THE PRESS! Instead of our previously-publicised Green Day, we’ve decided to have a Green Month! After we’ve given away as many Christmas cards as we can to our friends and family, we’ll try and distribute them to the letterboxes around the area in the weeks leading up to Christmas… in our own time.

New Phone System and Numbers

We’ve installed a new phone system, which makes it easier to manage calls and for newcomers to find out information. This means that Jodie has a new office number 4231 9512 and a new home number 4231 9513. The main church phone remains the same 4256 6464, but you can call Lydia directly on 4231 9510.

Direct giving

To give financially to the ministry of our church and beyond: BSB 062 638 Account Number 00900445 Account Name St Andrew’s Anglican Church.