Men’s Dinner
This Tuesday night we welcome Matthew Meek as our guest speaker at the Men’s Dinner – this Tuesday night 4th March 6.30pm at Shell Cove Golf Club. Bookings essential – see John Wilson or email New price of $29 ($20 concession).
Weekendaway 2014
We’re going on holidays together in only two weekends’ time! Please hand in your completed form today (2nd March) if at all possible. We have received some generous gifts that are available to those who need financial assistance in order to come. Please don’t let finances prevent you from coming. We’d love everyone from all our congregations to join us!
Safe Ministry course here this Saturday
If you are currently ministering to Children or considering it, you need a current Safe Ministry certificate. This Saturday 8th March it’s being held here at Oak Flats Anglican, 9am to 2.30pm. Pre-registration is required by clicking here or phoning 8268 3355. Save 20% on the normal rate!
No nuts, please!
Whilst it is not possible for us to guarantee a nut-free environment, in order to care for those with life-threatening allergies, we request that food containing or decorated with nuts not be brought onto church property.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Our annual general meeting is to be held next Sunday 9nd March at 11am in the church. Nominations for office bearers (such as Wardens, Parish Counsellors, Synod Representatives and Nominators) may be made in advance by filling in the form and posting in the green letterbox. Please come and take part in this important part of our administration.
Jesusbrings event with Al Stewart
Al Stewart is speaking at a special event for the regional churches of Shellharbour on 9th April at Event Cinemas, Shellharbour. Keep the night free to bring someone along to hear about why they should follow Jesus.
BCA boxes
BCA (Bush Church Aid) boxes will be collected in March.
Giving update
Thanks to God for your generosity! At the end of February, our giving is $2582 behind budget for the year. To give electronically to our church: BSB 062 638 Account Number 00900445 Account Name St Andrew’s Anglican Church.