‘Jesus is…’ Bible Talks in Term Two
This week looks at the fifth of our eight ‘I am’ statements that Jesus made in the New Testament book of John. We are coming face-to-face with Jesus as he shares who he really is and what that means for everyone.
Men’s dinner Tuesday 3rd June
This Tuesday night, Guest speaker Mark Hadley will speak to us on the topic, ‘How could a good god send someone to Hell?”. Join us at 6.30pm Tuesday 3rd June at the Shell Cove Golf Course. Tickets $29 ($20 concession). RSVP mensdinner@oakflatsanglican.com or chat to John Wilson after church today.
Gong Men’s Day
Two new Internet addresses
To add to our main, public oakflatsanglican.com (dot ‘com’) domain name, we’ve now got two other website addresses.
Firstly, we’ve got oakflatsanglican.net (dot ‘net’), which takes us to our ‘Elvanto’ membership website for rosters, calendars, members’ directory and more.
Secondly, we’ve got oakflatsanglican.tv (dot ‘tv’), which is a special site for our online broadcasting and video library.
Giving update
Thanks to God for your generosity! Here are the details about how to give electronically to our church: BSB 062 638 Account Number 00900445 Account Name St Andrew’s Anglican Church.