News and events for the week beginning Sunday 1st November 2015

‘Alive with Christ’ series continues

Today we continue our new eight-week series looking at the resurrection accounts of Jesus in Matthew, Luke, John and Acts. The series is called ‘Alive with Christ’. Today, Jodie is speaking on the topic, ‘Alive and authentic’ from John chapter 20 verses 19 to 31.

Men’s Dinner

Join us for the next Men’s Dinner this Tuesday 3rd November at 6.30pm. Venue is the Central Hotel, Shellharbour City. Our speaker is Les Stewart, a missionary partner of our church. Tickets $31 (concession $23), bookings essential by phoning 0439561373 or email

Weekendaway 2016

We’re delighted to welcome Dr. Bill Salier, Principal of Youthworks College, to be our speaker at next year’s Weekendaway. It’s scheduled for 1-3 April 2016 at the beautiful Waterslea Centre in Cambewarra (near Nowra). Lock the date in your diary for what should be an unmissable event for our church.

Seniors’ Service and Lunch

Join us on Monday 9th November at 11am for our next Senior’s Service and Lunch. Jodie’s speaking on the topic, ‘True Friendship’, from the book of Proverbs.

Visit from Adrian and Anita Lovell

Adrian Lovell will be our guest preacher on Sunday 15th November, and he and Anita will be joining us for a number of special mission events during that following week. These include a Bolivian Lunch (lunchtime on Sunday 15th November) and a MOCLAM evening (on Thursday 19th November).


Giving update

Each week we need to receive [olimometer_target id=3] in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was [olimometer_progress id=3], leaving a gap of [olimometer_remaining id=3].

[olimometer id=3]

Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received [olimometer_target id=1]. Compared to that total we received [olimometer_progress id=1], leaving a gap of [olimometer_remaining id=1].

[olimometer id=1]

Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To use your MasterCard or Visa to make a one-off donation or to set up regular giving, then securely provide your details by clicking on this link. Or, to give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: St Andrew’s Anglican Church. Account number: 00900445. BSB: 062 638.