Christmas Carols at Oak Flats
Tonight we’re opening our doors at 5pm for a night of Christmas Carols, with a free sausage sizzle. Invite your friends for this great night of singing and sharing about the saviour of the world!
Christmas Day at 9am
Join us at the special time of 9am on Christmas Day for an all-age, community celebration of the birth of Jesus!
Last day for Lydia
This Thursday 24th December is Lydia Milliken’s last day as our church secretary. We give thanks to God for her service over the past twelve years, and pray for her as she increases her role in the family business.
Personal Assistant appointed
We are delighted to announce that Valerie O’Regan has accepted our invitation to be the ‘Personal Assistant (PA) to the Senior Minister’. This new-look role is for the equivalent of four days per week. She will begin this role on the 25th January.
McNeills away
Jodie and his family will be on leave from the afternoon of 25th December, and will return on 7th January. Graham Errington will be leading our parish during this time.
Summer Sermons
During the five Sundays after Christmas, we will be hearing from a range of local and guest preachers on a variety of topics, before we commence a new sermon series in Term One. Next Sunday we welcome Graham Errington as our preacher.
Giving update
Each week we need to receive [olimometer_target id=3] in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was [olimometer_progress id=3], leaving a gap of [olimometer_remaining id=3].
[olimometer id=3]
Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received [olimometer_target id=1]. Compared to that total we received [olimometer_progress id=1], leaving a gap of [olimometer_remaining id=1].
[olimometer id=1]
Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To use your MasterCard or Visa to make a one-off donation or to set up regular giving, then securely provide your details by clicking on this link. Or, to give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: St Andrew’s Anglican Church. Account number: 00900445. BSB: 062 638.