Mythbusting Reality – Talk 12 Mythbusting Apologetics – Job 27 to 28 – talk outline

Job: Mythbusting Reality

12: Mythbusting Apologetics

Job chapters 27 to 28 ✦  Jodie McNeill

A fight for the faith

1. We defend the faith because God is for us (chapter 27 verses 1 to 6)

  • Job declares an oath of ____________
  • Job knows he is _____________________

2. We defend the faith because judgement is coming (chapter 27 verses 7 to 23)

  • Job considers his friends to be _______________
  • Job warns them of the ___________________________ of their wickedness

3. We defend the faith because wisdom is priceless (chapter 28 verses 1 to 22)

  • Job shows the value in _________________ for treasure
  • Job shows that wisdom is precious yet ________________________

4. We defend the faith because God is God (chapter 28 verses 23 to 28)

  • Job shows that God has _________________ to wisdom
  • Job shows that God __________________ wisdom like the weather
  • God briefly breaks his _________________

A faith worth fighting for


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