Our Oak Flats Anglican Ladies Dinners are a great opportunity for friendship and fellowship over a meal, and are ideal for people to come along who don’t yet follow Jesus. If that’s you, then know, for sure, that you’re welcome!
We hold our dinners in our church building (35 Fisher Street), and we meet at 6.30pm once a month on a Tuesday night. The cost is only $10 per person, which helps pay for the expenses of our speakers. You can pay at the door or pay online.
For further details call the church office on 4256 6464 or email office@oakflatsanglican.com
Our Program for 2024…
Tuesday Night Dinners (6.30pm to 9pm)
20th February
16th April
21st May
25th June
6th August
17th September
15th October
3rd December
Saturday Craft Afternoons (2pm to 4pm)
9th March
8th June
17th August
16th November