News and events for the week beginning 15th March 2015

Our Revelation series continues today

Today we continues our series on the book of Revelation. Adam is speaking on the topic ‘Revealing destruction’ as we open up Revelation chapters fifteen and sixteen.

Annual General Meeting

We give thanks to God for our new office holders in 2015. Our Wardens are Geoff Kyngdon, Troy Milliken and Harley Mills. Our Parish Counsellors are Paul Burgess,
Robert Hannam, Valerie O’Regan, Peter Taylor, Jonathan Willett, and John Wilson (with two more still to be nominated by the Rector). Our Nominators are Troy Milliken, Jane Mills, Tim Orange, Rhonda Slocombe, and John Wilson.

Ladies’ Dinner

This Tuesday night 17th March is our next Ladies’ Dinner. Our speaker is Kerry Stewart. We meet at our church and start at 7pm. Dinner is $6 payable at the door, and there is no need to RSVP.

New video system

God willing, we’ll have four cameras rolling out images to, plus our new cry room TV in the reception room. Please remember that the front rows will be filmed, and speech from the whole room will be heard on microphones.

Office security

To assist with office security, please ensure that our doors remain closed when groups and services are not meeting.

Two weeks to the Weekendaway!

Grab a registration form for full details of our coming Weekendaway with John Woodhouse at Waterslea. Absolutely not to be missed! 27 to 29th March for all ages. Please return your form by next Sunday at the very latest to reserve your place. Plus don’t forget to organise a ‘That’s Entertainment’ theme outfit and act! Also, don’t forget to organise pre-poll voting.

BCA Boxes due

If you’ve been collecting coins for Bush Church Aid (BCA) please return them this month for counting.

Giving update

Each week we need to receive $5,200, and our average in February was $5,125 per week, leaving a deficit of $75 per week. Overall for the year, we were $2,677 behind. Please pray that we close that gap and cover the financial needs of our church as we seek to grow the gospel of Jesus. To give by direct debit or Visa or MasterCard visit