In October last year, Adam took a break from ministry in our parish due to mental health reasons.
Since then, he has been on full-time stress leave, and has been receiving treatment for clinical depression and anxiety.
I am pleased to report that Adam has made significant improvements, and as a result, he is now ready to start a staged return to work.
As I met with Adam and other key people, we concluded that it would be best for Adam to finish his ministry at our church and begin ministry at another organisation.
We felt that this would be the best way for Adam and his family to ease back in to full-time ministry as they have a fresh start with a new job and a new church.
We will have a farewell for the Hotsons in three Sundays’ time on the 24th July, when we’ll have a pot-luck lunch after the morning service.
Adam will also preach at 10am and 5pm on that day, and we’ll have a special time of prayer for him and his family during those two services.
Adam will work on a special assignment with Youthworks to help develop the new curriculum for High School Scripture, and to support churches like ours as we teach it.
Our church will now begin the process of finding a new Assistant Minister to work with us in bringing real hope through the real Jesus to our community.
I am deeply thankful to God for the friendship I enjoy with Adam and the joy that God has given me in getting to know Anita and the kids over these years.
I am thankful that even under these difficult circumstances, we remain at peace with each other as brothers in Christ.
I am also thankful to our whole church for being so supportive in this challenging time, and in particular for the Wardens in their encouragement.
Please pray for Adam, Anita, Nick, Noah, Chloe and Faith as they prepare for many changes.
Please pray for our church as we say goodbye to the Hotsons and give thanks to God for their ministry with us over these past two and a half years.