Success, Credentials & Confidence
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 2:14-3:6 | Preacher: Jodie McNeill | Series: Power in Weakness
Nobody wants to be a failure, and to be honest, most of us want to be a part of a church that is large and vibrant and growing and attractive and engaging and challenging and life-changing.
But the problem with this is that we end up seeing church in a worldly way.
The section we’re looking at today from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians is all about what his ministry is like.
Paul shows that his ministry is actually a success, even though it looks like a failure.
He shows that his role in preaching the gospel and starting new churches is successful, even though it doesn’t tick all the normal boxes.
And this true success he has achieved for God is shown in three ways.
Firstly, we see success in real relationships; successful ministry is about people living together in love.
Secondly, we see success in sacrificial speaking; successful ministry is about counting the cost as we speak the truth of Jesus.
And thirdly, we see success in genuine fruit; successful ministry is seen in lives that are truly changed by Jesus.
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