The Generosity of God’s People
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 9:1-15 | Preacher: Jodie McNeill | Series: Power in Weakness
Australians are richer than ever, but according to an analysis of the Australian Tax Office donation figures, our level of giving to charities is now dropping.
What’s more, it found that the richer Australians are now giving half as much as they used to.
We’re getting more and more wealthy, and we’re getting more and more selfish.
As we turn now to 2 Corinthians chapter 9, we’ll see that Paul talks more to the church at Corinth about the need for them to actually deliver the generous gift that they’d promised.
And then he shows just how good is it to be generous.
And finally, he shows us how giving actually leads us to be more thankful to God.