Leadership challenges

From http://images.smh.com.au/2012/02/24/3068662/_20120224103622212757-600x400.jpgLeadership challenges are normal for leaders, especially those who have a high place in public office.

This is particularly the case after times of conflict and unsettledness in the ranks of an organisation.

For Jesus, he experienced challenges from both likely and unlikely sources as he went around the country showing his authority as the king of all kings.

In this week’s section from Jesus’ life story as told by Mark, we see that his authority is challenged by the religious leaders, who think that his supernatural authority must be coming from the forces of evil.

Yet, it’s also challenged by his very own family–his own mother and brothers–who accuse him of being insane.

Jesus rises above their challenges, and shows that he is mentally healthy and that his supernatural power comes not from evil, but from himself, as the true God of the universe.

In this leadership challenge, make sure you back the winner… Jesus Christ.