Church news for the week beginning 17th November 2019

Today’s Bible Talk

Today we welcome Sam Pursell as our Senior Minister and will be starting a new series on Colossians, with the first talk titled ‘Thanksgiving and prayer for Oak Flats Anglican’ from Colossians 1:1-14.

Pot-Luck lunch today

Join us after the morning service for one of our famous pot-luck lunch. This lunch is to thank and farewell Ken & Maureen Coleman, and to also welcome the Pursell family.

Prime Time Luncheon

Coming up tomorrow Monday, 18th November, 11.45am for a 12 noon start with a 2 course meal plus a talk between courses, finishing at 2pm. Cost is $10 and is located at the church. Ideal for our seniors and your friends and family.

Pursell Commencement Service

This Wednesday 20th November at 7pm we will gather together a special service for our church and community as the Bishop formally welcomes Sam as our full-time Rector. A light supper will follow. Please bring a plate to share.

Chris Milliken’s Wedding

Christopher Milliken and Hannah Godden are getting married at St Michael’s Anglican Cathedral, Wollongong on Saturday 30th November at 1pm. You’re invited to celebrate with them at the service. Tea & coffee to follow.

Q & A returns

The honoured tradition of Q & A will continue. Please make sure you submit your questions to have them answered the following week by Sam.