News and Events for the week beginning Sunday 31st March

Interact is going Ten Pin Bowling!

Interact, our social group for adults, is going Ten Pin Bowling! Saturday 6th April 7pm at Shellharbour (10 Sunset Ave Barrack Heights). Cost $20 for 2 games (or only $13 if our group is more than 30 people). Followed by supper at the Taylor’s (103 Cuthbert Dr Mt Warrigal)… Bring Peter’s favourite Slice…!

To RSVP, log into or respond to your invitation email, or if that doesn’t work, email Peter Taylor or phone 0448 190 946.

Men’s Dinner

This Tuesday night, 2nd April 6.30 pm at Shell Cove Brasserie, Shell Cove Golf Club. Speaker: Grahame Scarratt, ‘The Bread of Life’ (John 6:22-40). $25 (or $16 concession). RSVP

Financial support of Real Hope Week

Thanks to God for all of the generous offers of financial support for Real Hope Week. If you are still able to give above your normal gifts, then please mark envelopes accordingly in the collection bags.

Real Hope Week follow-up

Would you like to help us connect with people who we made contact with during Real Hope Week? Several people seemed open to a visit or a phone call. If you can help, please let Jodie know.

New Website is live!

Visit to see our new website. Check out the photos… you might see yourself in there somewhere!

Weekly Prayer Meeting

We’d love you to join us any or every Saturday morning at 7.30am at the church to pray through the things on our  prayer bookmark and more. Finishes promptly at 8am so there’s plenty of time left in the day!

Direct Giving

To give financially to the ministry of our church and beyond: BSB 062 638 Account Number 0090045 Account Name St Andrew’s Anglican Church.

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