Jesus hates religion

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One of the biggest surprises to many people who do not yet know Jesus is the fact that Jesus is one of the most anti-religious people around.
You see, religion is all about humans climbing up the ladder to meet God, finding success in their own strength, and achievement in their own wisdom and knowledge.
Yet, Jesus turned all of that on its head.
He came down to us, saved us by his own life and death, and through grace offers us everything we need.
All we can bring to him is the empty hand of grace: “nothing in my hand I bring, simply to his cross I cling”.
On Sunday, as our Senior Minister Jodie McNeill teaches us from Mark 2:18 to 3:6, we will see how Jesus clashed with the religious leaders, and we will see how this clash leads to the ultimate conflict between religion and grace.
May Sunday be a day you see afresh the grace of God in the lord Jesus.