Weekendaway 2014
We’re going on holidays together! Join us for a great weekend of food, Bible teaching, fellowship, and an awesome waterside. Don’t miss out on our awesome church retreat on the weekend of 21st to 23rd March, only four weekends away! We’re heading away to the beautiful ‘Waterslea’ site in Nowra, to hear great talks from our guest speaker Mark Thompson, Principal of Moore Theological College. Please hand in your completed registration form as soon as possible.
Ladies’ Dinner
Our first Ladies’ Dinner for the year is this week, on Tuesday 18th February at the church at 7pm. Special guest is Cassie Sharp. Only $6 per person, payable on the night. No need to RSVP. Bring your friends for a great night. Details oakflatsanglican.com/ladiesdinner
Interact social night
If are an adult then interact with us at the church on Saturday 22nd February at 7pm. Paul and Jeanette Burgess will demonstrate the latest interactive computer games the kids are using, and then we’ll all get a chance to try our skills against others. Join the fun, bring some supper to share. For more details contact Glenda or Peter Taylor on peter.taylor@oakflatsanglican.com or 0448 190 946.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Our annual general meeting is to be held on Sunday 2nd March at 11am in the church. Nominations for office bearers (such as Wardens, Parish Counsellors, Synod Representatives and Nominators) may be made in advance by filling in the form and posting in the green letterbox. Please come and take part in this important part of our administration.
Interested in Video Production?
We’re keen to improve the quality of our video recording and live streaming. Do you have an interest or any experience in video production? If you’re interested in getting involved in this new ministry, let Jodie know.
Direct giving
To give financially to the ministry of our church and beyond: BSB 062 638 Account Number 00900445 Account Name St Andrew’s Anglican Church.