This week marks the beginning of a new era in teaching Scripture at Oak Flats High School, as Adam Hotson, our assistant minister, joins me as together we teach the Bible to over a hundred students each week in years 7 and 8.
Last year I only taught each year 7 class once per fortnight, but this year I’m teaching those year 7 students every Friday, and Adam is teaching all the year 8 scripture students every week as well.
This is a significant jump in the face-to-face Bible teaching in our local high school, and we pray that it is a blessing to the students, the staff, and the whole school, as the gospel of grace wafts around the classrooms and playgrounds.
Please pray for Adam and me as we seek to teach well the truths of the gospel, and pray for the school staff who support us with such warmth and energy.
Pray also that through this ministry, many people would grow to a deeper understanding of the cross of Christ, so that they might repent and believe in the real Jesus, and find real hope in him.