One of the truths about Jesus that is so often confused is what his true nature is really like.
Some people tend to think that Jesus is more ‘God’ than ‘man’, and that he only really appears to be human. Some people tend to think that Jesus is a bit more ‘man’ than ‘God’, and that he only really appears to be divine.
Neither of these views are right: in every way, Jesus was fully God, and fully man.
So, Thomas could rightly address Jesus as, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28), the man who in the same Gospel was described as “The Word became flesh” (John 1:14).
The impact of holding these two truths together means that Jesus, the divine Son of God did not just take on part of of our humanity, but all of it… and he took it all to the cross.
And so, as famous, historical theologian Gregory of Nazianzus rightly noted, “That which he has not assumed he has not healed.”
Praise God that Jesus became truly human in every way so that he could fully save us. Amen!