It is amazing to think that God chooses people like you and me to communicate his message about Jesus.
Yet as we teach others the word of God, we share Jesus through our lips and our lives.
I learnt a lot about word ministry when I did a two-year MTS apprenticeship before I studied at Moore College.
This hands-on apprenticeship gave me the chance to follow in the footsteps of my minister in serving on a church team.
I’m delighted to announce that we’re planning to launch this program for next year at Oak Flats Anglican.
The new ‘MTS Scholar’ program enables all gifts to be tax-deductible, and apprentices are normally able to get AUSTUDY.
I am now seeking financial support through fundraising tax-deductible gifts outside our parish.
MTS is handling all the tax-deductible gifts through their website and are managing all the finances.
For full details of our MTS program visit
Pray that our fundraising attempts outside our church will be fruitful for this important ministry.
Pray also that we will find one or two great candidates to join us to learn and serve in our church.
If you have any questions or suggestions about this program, then I’d love to chat with you.