In tomorrow’s combined leadership group meeting, we are reviewing the book Simple Church by Thom Rainer and Eric Geiger.
In writing this book, the authors examined thousands of different churches and concluded that the most vibrant ones were the churches that were the most simple.
Yet, when they spoke of simplicity, they weren’t talking about the content or style of Bible talks and studies. They were referring to how straight-forward the church was in terms of all of the activities and programs.
To do this, they suggest that we need to be clear about what a mature Christian is like, so we can align all our ministries with this aim, whilst making sure we are focused on doing the things that matter.
Then, as we seek to be wise with our resources, we should aim to be strategic in where we put our energy, and clear in communicating that with everyone in and outside our church.
As we consider the overall shape of our ministries, please keep praying for our leaders as we seek to serve in a way that helps grow everyone in our church and that helps reach those who do not yet have real hope in the real Jesus.