Hi everyone,
It’s school holiday time!
As usual the first Sunday of the month means that we will be sharing in the Lord’s Supper together, remembering and celebrating the great work our Saviour Jesus has done for us by breaking his body and shedding his blood on the cross, in our place, for our sins.
This week we continue to look at the book of James and the great challenges it provides for those of us who are followers of Jesus in this world. I’m preaching on the topic, “Fighting the good fight” from James 4: 1 – 12. With it will come the challenge for us to not fight proudly, but rather humbly submit to ourselves to God, entrusting ourselves to the Lawgiver and Judge who saves. My hope is that looking at the book of James will compliment what we have being looking at as we have navigated our way through 1 Peter.
Please do everything you can to join us on Sunday, but if you can’t, then get online at www.oakflats.tv and join us for the live stream.
Grace and peace,