Job Bible talk series continues
Today we continue our series on the Old Testament book of Job as Jodie preaches from Chapters 18 and 19 with the title, “Mythbusting Hell”.
Two weeks to the Weekendaway!
Grab a registration form for full details of our coming Weekendaway with Bill Salier at Waterslea. Absolutely not to be missed! 1st to 3rd April for all ages. Please return your form or register online (if you can) by next Sunday at the very latest to reserve your place.
Prime Time Luncheon
This Monday, 21st March 12pm at the church. $10 for a two-course meal. Ideal for our seniors and your friends and family.
Good Friday Service
This Friday, join us at 9am for a special Good Friday service. Phil Pratt is speaking on the topic, ‘A Public Demonstration’, from Romans 3:21-28. Easter Sunday we’ll be meeting at our normal times of 10am and 5pm.
Giving update
Each week we need to receive [olimometer_target id=3] in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was [olimometer_progress id=3], leaving a gap of [olimometer_remaining id=3].
[olimometer id=3]
Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received [olimometer_target id=1]. Compared to that total we received [olimometer_progress id=1], leaving a gap of [olimometer_remaining id=1].
[olimometer id=1]
Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To use your MasterCard or Visa to make a one-off donation or to set up regular giving, then securely provide your details by clicking on this link. Or, to give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: St Andrew’s Anglican Church. Account number: 00900445. BSB: 062 638.