Today’s Bible Talk
Today Jodie is speaking on the topic “God keeps his promises”, from 2 Samuel chapter 7 verses 1 to 29.
Weekendaway speaker announced!
We’re delighted to announce that Peter Jensen, former Archbishop of Sydney, will be our guest speaker at our 2017 Weekendaway. Keep 31st March – 2nd April free in your diary. An unmissable event in the life of our church.
Visit of George Statheos
George Statheos will be visiting our church for four days from this Thursday 15th September to Sunday 18th September for a mini-mission. If you are able to help provide food for the meal after the 10am or 5pm service, please see the sign up sheet near the noticeboard.
Ladies Dinner
Tuesday night 20th September is our next Ladies’ Dinner. Our speaker is Tara Stenhouse. We meet at our church and start at 7pm. Dinner is $7 payable at the door, and there is no need to RSVP.
Prime Time Social
Join us on Friday, 23rd September at 10am at the church for Prime Time. A great time to come together with other seniors. This Prime Time will be an outing to Kangaroo Valley.
BCA Boxes due
If you’ve been collecting coins for Bush Church Aid (BCA) please return them this month for counting.
Time to take your photo!
Over the next coming weeks, we would like to take new photos of our church members to update our church database before Simon and Amy Chaplin join us. Please make sure you stick around after the service, so your photo can be taken.
Check out our video library
Go online to to see videos of previous services and bible talks for you to watch again or for the first time.
New Rosters
New rosters are out now. If you need a paper version, grab one from the information table, or otherwise log onto to see what dates and roles you are scheduled for.
Giving update
Each week we need to receive [olimometer_target id=3] in order to meet our commitments. In the last calendar month, our average weekly giving was [olimometer_progress id=3], leaving a gap of [olimometer_remaining id=3].
[olimometer id=3]
Up to the end of the last calendar month we needed to have received [olimometer_target id=1]. Compared to that total we received [olimometer_progress id=1], leaving a gap of [olimometer_remaining id=1].
[olimometer id=1]
Electronic giving is a great way to give! It helps us prayerfully plan our giving, and then the bank will help us keep that commitment, even when we may be unable to attend. To use your MasterCard or Visa to make a one-off donation or to set up regular giving, then securely provide your details by clicking on this link. Or, to give by direct transfer then these are the details. Account name: St Andrew’s Anglican Church. Account number: 00900445. BSB: 062 638.