Coming up this Sunday 26th February 2017

This Sunday we’re kicking off a new five-week series looking at the five Solas of the Reformation called ‘Five Foundations’. Jodie will be speaking on the topic ‘Scripture alone’.

Two hundred years ago, people knew that reading the Bible before and after the day’s labours would change the feel of the day. It was widely accepted, unlike today, that the Bible contributed to the private and public good. This is why, as the Bible Society Australia marks its bicentenary (200 years) of sharing the Bible, that we will join in the celebrations this weekend during our services.

During our service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, and Jodie will be answering these questions:

  1. What does it mean to be ‘equal?’
  2. How should we understand the Old Testament practice of men having multiple wives?
  3. Since the immaculate conception of Jesus is a form of surrogate birth, does this condone surrogacy more generally?
  4. Doesn’t adoption cause the same issues as the other attempts to provide same-sex couples with children?
  5. If a couple in a traditional marriage struggles with infertility, are they right to pursue things like IVF, or should they just accept this as God’s will?
  6. Since same-sex couples argue that they are a child’s legitimate and loving parents, does that not fulfil the child’s rights to having parents under international law?
  7. Given that marriage is seen so positively in the Bible, how should single people respond?
  8. If we are to avoid making political statements, should we avoid praying about refugees?
  9. Given we’ve had this topical talk on marriage, can we also have talks on the Bible’s view of refugees and the environment?
  10. How should we respond if a gay person joins our church?

As always, it’s a great time to come if you’re a visitor, or know someone who you could invite to join you. And if you can’t make it in person, then join us online at