Change of office hours
Please note that the church office will not be open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Val’s hours are now: Monday and Friday: 9am to 5pm and Thursday: 9am to 12pm.
Christianity Explored
A course to consider life, and explore the life of Jesus. Open to everyone. Starting late January. Register at:
New Rosters
Rosters until the end of March are out now.
If you need a paper version, please see Val, or otherwise log onto to see what dates and roles you are scheduled for.
COVID Safety
A reminder that:
- Numbers are limited to 120 people in the whole church building premises, but only 90 people in main hall.
- Children and youth under 18 do not need to physically distance.
- Hand sanitiser must be used.
- Your name and number will be recorded as per Health NSW regulations.
- Wearing a face mask is recommended when singing.
- Stay home if you have any signs of being unwell. We will sadly need to turn you away at the door if you come to church sick.
- Maintain a distance of 1.5m from other people where possible.
- BYO Bible as church bibles are not available.
- No news sheet or handouts will be given.