Howard Slocombe
Howard peacefully passed away on Thursday 18th February.
Please join the family for a service at Croome Road, Albion Park Cemetery on Wednesday 24th February at 11am.
A light lunch will follow at our church. Please uphold the Slocombe family in your prayers.
Afternoon Service time change
From Sunday 28th of February we will begin meeting at 5pm.
We won’t start dinners again at this stage, but will continue the same food (cake, biscuits etc.) following the service with tea and coffee.
Prime Time Luncheon
Coming up on Monday, 8th March, 11.45am for a 12 noon start with a 2 course meal plus a talk between courses, finishing at 2pm. Cost is $10 and is located at the church. Ideal for our seniors and your friends and family.
AGM 14th March
Our AGM (Annual General Meeting) will be held on Sunday 14th March after the morning service, at 11.30am in the church.
We will be electing representatives for Wardens, Parish Council and Parish Nominators. Please pick up a nomination form at the front desk.
COVID Safety Practices
A reminder that:
- Numbers are limited to 120 people in the whole church building premises, but only 90 adults in main hall.
- Children and youth under 18 do not need to physically distance.
- Hand sanitiser must be used.
- Your name and number will be recorded as per Health NSW regulations.
- Wearing a face mask is recommended but not mandatory.
- There will be no congregation singing. However you can hum along to the music.
- Stay home if you have any signs of being unwell. We will sadly need to turn you away at the door if you come to church sick.
- Maintain a distance of 1.5m from other people where possible.
- BYO Bible as church bibles are not available.