The things we value the most


At our recent gathering of all the Anglican churches from Sydney and the Illawarra, we decided on a list of values that unite us and drive us in our mission to the world.

Our values flow from our identity in Christ. We are created in God’s image and redeemed by Christ’s blood for the glory of our Heavenly Father. We therefore value and cherish:

  • God’s Word, the Bible, as our ultimate authority and guide
  • the reading and explanation of the Bible as the basic method of our ministry
  • the centrality of the cross of Christ and his resurrection in our proclamation and in our lives
  • lives of holiness and humility that adorn the gospel
  • prayerful dependence on the Holy Spirit for power to speak and hearts to change
  • an urgent love for people who, apart from faith in Christ Jesus, face certain condemnation under the righteous judgement of God
  • selfless flexibility and creativity to reach the many different peoples in our communities with the gospel
  • partnerships between and among individuals, churches, Anglican schools, diocesan organisations and faithful members of the Anglican Communion
  • repentant hearts and renewal by God’s grace