Coming up this Sunday 23rd July 2017

This Sunday we kick off our brand-new series in the Old Testament book of 2 Samuel. Come join us and discover the life of King David, the man after God’s own heart.

The series is called ‘Kingdom Coming’, and in the first talk, Jodie will be speaking on the topic, “The King is dead: long live the King”, from 2 Samuel chapter 1 verses 1 to 27.

We will also be hearing a special update from Youthworks about SRE, Special Religious Education.

During our service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, and Jodie will be answering these questions:

  1. How do you actually start a conversation where you wish to confess your sins to someone you trust?
  2. Does the failure of David and the other kings of Israel show us that our need can only be met by God, not humans?
  3. Is the Lord’s Supper a memorial or does it hold some additional significance?
  4. Why would some of Christ’s disciples appear to be opposed to the Lord’s Supper in John 6:44-60?
  5. Should we play games such as Monopoly that encourage greedy behaviour towards making money?
  6. If our meeting place was to fall into decay and disrepair, would that poorly reflect our love for God and our respect for outsiders?

As always, come along and visit us at 10am or 5pm at 35 Fisher Street Oak Flats, or if you can’t make it in person, jump online at to watch a livestream of our services.