This Sunday we continue our series on 2 Samuel. In the next talk, Jodie will be speaking from 2 Samuel chapter 14 verses 1 to chapter 15 verse 12 on the topic ‘Conspiracy Theory’.
We will also take time in our service to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, the day the church marks 500 years since Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the Wittenberg church door.
During our service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, and Jodie will be answering these questions:
- Given all the horrible things that happened to Tamar, how can we say that God looked after her?
What does God think about Christians who remain in an active, homosexual relationship?
- Given that Adam and Eve were the first humans, where did the people in the other towns come from?
- Is it wrong to teach children about Santa and the Easter Bunny?
- When are the midweek ministry changes taking place?
A reminder that Kids’ Club and Andy’s Club now meets at our 5pm evening service for their program, followed by a great dinner together for the whole family.
As always, come along and visit us at 10am or 5pm at 35 Fisher Street Oak Flats, or if you can’t make it in person, jump online at to watch a livestream of our services.