Church news for the week beginning 25th August 2019

Morning Service Bible Talk

Today at our 10am service John Wilson will continue our morning series in the Gospel of John, with the next talk titled ‘The First Sign, with the bible readings Isaiah 55:1-13 and John 2:1-12.

Evening Service Bible Talk

Today at our 5pm service we have Geoff Kyngdon continuing our evening series on the Book of Hebrews. The sermon topic is ‘Be Warned, Be Prepared, Be Blessed’, with the bible readings Psalm 37:1-40 and Hebrews 2:1-4.

Prime Time Luncheon

Coming up tomorrow Monday, 26th August, 11.45am for a 12 noon start with a 2 course meal plus a talk between courses, finishing at 2pm. Cost is $10 and is located at the church. Ideal for our seniors and your friends and family.

Parish Council

Our Parish Council meets this Tuesday 27th August at 7.00pm at the church. Please remember them in your prayers.

BCA Boxes due

If you’ve been collecting coins for Bush Church Aid (BCA) please return them for counting as September is the collection month.

Safe ministry training day

If you would like to be involved in leading or serving children and youth, then you need current training in safe ministry. We will be hosting a Face-to-Face training day on Saturday 14th September. If you are interested please see Val for more details or register online at

First Aid Training

We will be hosting First Aid Training (Provide First Aid – HLTAID003) on Saturday 19th October from 9am to 5pm. The cost is $80, and you need to register with Red Cross Corporate Services. Please let Val know via comment card or email if you wish to attend and to get more information.
It is recommended that at least one leader from each group meeting on site has current training.