Who becomes one? God’s word on marriage – 11 and 12 Feb 2017 – talk outline

Who Becomes One? God’s Word on Marriage Jodie McNeill ”DO YOU THINK I’M EQUAL TO YOU?” GOD MADE MARRIAGE FOR US ALL God made _______________ differences God made marriages to ______________________ Our marriages are ________________ by sin God made marriage to be _________________________ Marriage is a place for _____________ 2. SOCIETY HAS CHANGED FOR BAD … Read more

Shepherds in the Bible – John 10:1-18 – talk outline

Shepherds in the Bible John chapter 10 verses 1 to 18  ✦  Graham Errington 1. Shepherds rediscovered in early 1900s 2. David the Shepherd 3. God the Shepherd of Israel 4. Shepherding today   Download the PDF of this outline here Shepherds in the Bible talk outline

God has sent us hope – Isaiah 42:1-9 – talk outline

God has sent us hope Christmas Day 2016 Isaiah 42:1-9  ✦ Jodie McNeill We have hope Jesus is the greatest gift Jesus was an _________________ Jesus was the gift who kept on ________________ Jesus was an ______________________ gift Jesus was a _________________ gift Jesus is our hope Hope that brings ________________ Hope that is _____________ … Read more

The Dark before the Dawn – talk outline

The Dark before the Dawn Matthew chapter 4 verses 12 to 17  ✦  Mark Howard 1. John and Jesus (a) Jesus takes over from John the Baptist (b) The ministry of John (c) Different direction for Jesus   2. So why start in Galilee? (a) Galilee and Old Testament prophecy (b) Key to Jesus is … Read more