Mythbusting Reality – Talk 17 Mythbusting Evil – Job 40.6 to 42.6 – talk outline

Job: Mythbusting Reality 17: Mythbusting Evil Job 40:6 to 42:6 ✦  Jodie McNeill Monsters Inc. 1. God’s justice challenged by his treatment of evil (40:6-14) Job claimed that God was ______________ (40:6-8) God challenges Job to __________ the world (40:9-14) 2. Behemoth: the evil embodiment of death (40:15-24) Meet the __________________ ___________________ Behemoth (40:15-24) 3. … Read more

Mythbusting Reality – Talk 16 Mythbusting God – Job 38 to 40.5 – talk outline

Job: Mythbusting Reality 16: Mythbusting God Job 38 to 40:5 ✦  Jodie McNeill God grant me the serenity 1. God’s loves order (38:1-38) God _________________ directly to Job (38:1-3) God orders __________________ (38:4-11) God orders ____________ (38:12-21) God orders the _______________ (38:22-38) 2. God manages ‘chaos’ (38:39-39:30) Lions & ravens (38:39-41) Mountain goats (39:1-4) Wild … Read more

Mythbusting Reality – Talk 15 Mythbusting Goodness – Job 35 to 36 – talk outline

Job: Mythbusting Reality 15: Mythbusting Goodness Job chapters 35 to 37 ✦  Jodie McNeill Being good, for goodness sake 1. God’s goodness is not influenced by us (35:1-16) God is _________ (v1-8) God doesn’t _________________ to us (v9-16) 2. God’s goodness is seen in his tough love  (36:1-25) God _______________ for his people (v1-7) God … Read more

Mythbusting Reality – Talk 14 Mythbusting Revelation – Job 32 to 34 – talk outline

Job: Mythbusting Reality 14: Mythbusting Revelation Job chapters 32 to 34 ✦  Jodie McNeill Hearing God’s voice 1. God’s revelation is vital (chapter 32) We are introduced to _______________ Elihu (v1-5) Elihu describes himself as a _______________ (v6-10) Elihu highlights the failed ______________ of the friends (v11-16) Elihu shows the _______________ of the word of … Read more

Mythbusting Reality – Talk 13 Mythbusting Despair – Job 29 to 31 – talk outline

Job: Mythbusting Reality 13: Mythbusting Dignity Job chapters 29 to 31 ✦  Jodie McNeill Our desire for dignity 1. Job reflects on his past dignity (chapter 29) Job longs for God’s ____________________ not his material blessings Job longs for the __________________ he once commanded Job longed for the _________________ of his earlier days 2. Job … Read more

Mythbusting Reality – Talk 11 Mythbusting Religion – Job 25 to 26 – talk outline

Job: Mythbusting Reality 11: Mythbusting Religion Job chapters 25 to 26 ✦  Jodie McNeill High anxiety Bildad’s worldview shows the failure of religion (chapter 25) He acknowledges the _________________ of God. He claims it’s _________________________ to be righteous. Job’s worldview shows that God does extraordinary things (chapter 26) Job shows the _________________ of their worldview. … Read more

Mythbusting Reality Talk 10 – Mythbusting Repentance Job 22-25 outline

Job: Mythbusting Reality 10: Mythbusting Repentance Job chapters 22 to 24 ✦  Jodie McNeill A spectacular backflip   A recap of Job   Eliphaz says that Job needs to repent (chapter 22) • It’s a horrible feeling to be falsely ________________. • God knows ____________________, and he will judge ________________. • It’s wrong to become a … Read more