God leads us in conflict
31 August, 2014

God leads us in conflict

Passage: 1 Samuel 11-12
Service Type:

Bible Text: 1 Samuel 11-12 | Preacher: Jodie McNeill | Series: God's leading

Our world is at conflict, and even down here in Australia, we’re starting to feel it.
War is horrible, but it does tend to bring people closer together.
When there is a common enemy, we come together with a common goal.
You might have experienced this in your own family or working life.
Most normal people don’t go looking for conflict, but when it comes, it often brings a sense of unity and focus like never before.
In first Samuel chapters 11 and 12 we witness an historical threat to God’s people.
They are brought together because of the threat of terror from a foreign power.
And what happens after that threat leads God’s people to be unified in a powerful way.
But as we see God’s people take that journey from threat through to unity, we see how God is leading his people through times of conflict.