God leads us to see the world differently
27 July, 2014

God leads us to see the world differently

Passage: 1 Samuel 2
Service Type:

Bible Text: 1 Samuel 2 | Preacher: Jodie McNeill | Series: God's leading

When we know Jesus and are filled with his Spirit, we start to see things differently.
Things that things the world sees as powerful are really weak.
And things that the world sees as successful are really failures.
We see things differently when we know the truth.
But we also behave differently when we know the truth.
We do things that the world sees as stupid and futile and we don’t do things that the world considers to be valuable.
This is why it is vital that we know the truth of Jesus.
Because when we know this truth we will see and behave differently.
In today’s Bible passage from first Samuel chapter two, we see two very different people.
Firstly, we see Hannah, a woman who knows God and who sees and behaves accordingly.
And secondly, we see Eli’s Sons, men who did not know God, and who see and behave very differently to Hannah.
Two different ways to see the world, and two different ways to live.