God leads us when we grieve
20 July, 2014

God leads us when we grieve

Passage: 1 Samuel 1
Service Type:

Bible Text: 1 Samuel 1 | Preacher: Jodie McNeill | Series: God's leading

Some tragedies have a global impact and others are far closer to home.
But when tragedies happen, it brings us great anguish and grief.
When this happens, we seem to naturally turn to God for answers.
This is certainly true for those of us who truly believe in Jesus.
But it’s also the case for others who don’t have a relationship with God.
Maybe you’re with us today because you want to find relief from your great anguish and grief?
Maybe you want to find out whether God cares for you as you experience your great anguish and grief.
Well, God is real… and God’s love and care is also real.
And this is what God is telling us today as we look at first Samuel chapter one.
Because in this part of the Bible we hear of a woman called Hannah who had great anguish and grief.
Her personal anguish and grief is breaking her heart… and so she prays to God.
And a few verses later we read that she was no longer downcast.
God answered her prayer and brought her from grief to relief.
And as we see the story of her life, we’ll see how we, too, can find ultimate personal relief from our grief by the God of the universe.