Most of us are “keeping our heads down” so to speak, during this covid crisis. So what do you do when you are “locked down”? Well St Paul sets a good example – he did some serious reading whilst in prison! How do I know this? Because of something he wrote to his friend Timothy.
“When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, and my scrolls, especially the parchments” (2 Timothy 4:13). Why did he want the scrolls and parchments? To read, of course!
I know many of us have been reading, because our bookstall stock became seriously depleted. But in the last couple of weeks I have been able to restock, and have a number of new titles. Now is a great time to choose some books to read yourself, or to give away. How often the gift a well chosen book can be a real blessing for someone’s birthday or Christmas.
There is a great series of children’s books called ‘Tales that Tell the Truth’. Well presented and illustrated Bible stories like – “The Storm that Stopped”, “The One O’Clock Miracle” and my favourite “The Friend Who Forgives”.
If you like biographies, try Metaxas’ works on Martin Luther and Dietrich Bonhoeffer (which will keep you quiet for a while), or his smaller book “Seven Men and the Secret of their Greatness”. Others authors will introduce you to William Wilberforce; Arthur Stace (Mr Eternity); Susannah Spurgeon; John MacArthur and more.
Keeping up our daily reading of the Bible should be front of mind always, and you will find a range of help options, including the small “10 of Those” series – generally about 20 to 50 readings with one day per opening, making them interesting and challenging for those with not a lot of time.
We also have the popular daily reading books “The Way of Wisdom” (Proverbs) and “My Rock My Refuge” (Psalms) which take about a year to go through, and some helpful books by John Piper.
And remember, there are less than 160 days to Christmas!