
What makes us a member of a family may not be asked regularly perhaps because the answer may seem so obvious. But is it? 

All of us are related to someone meaning we are members of a family of some description and none had a chance to choose into which one they we would be born.

Families are inherently challenging in a fallen world in any culture. None can argue otherwise and should you think you live in the perfect family, wait long enough and you will be proved wrong every time. The challenges may be minor or major, but they will be there and we all need to deal with them in one form or another.

Family challenges, however do not sever membership in fact they often enhance it simply because dealing with problems can encourage relationships and in turn solutions. Even if all efforts fail the family still exists.

The Church can rightly be described as a family, a family called together by God sharing a common purpose and a family into which we can be born through faith by the Grace of God. What a family it can be even if still made up of saved sinners who may, just occasionally, show signs of their former lives.

Oak Flats Anglican is such a family wonderfully made up of brethren from many human families called to be members of the family of God in Oak Flats and beyond. 

Do we love the members of our “new” family and seek the best for them at all times? We should. A family member who loves the Lord and just loves serving Him in family. Ephesians 3:14-21.