Church news for the week beginning 30th October 2016

Today’s Bible Talk Today Jodie continues our series on the Old Testament book of Job, with the title, ‘Mythbusting Apologetics’ from chapters 27 to 28. National Church Life Survey Today we will be conducting the National Church Life Survey (NCLS). The purpose of the NCLS is to help churches to be more vital and effective. Through the survey you will … Read more

Coming up this Sunday 30th October 2016

This Sunday Jodie continues our series on the Old Testament book of Job, with the title, ‘Mythbusting Apologetics’ from chapters 27 to 28. This Sunday, we will be completing the National Church Life Survey (NCLS) during our services. The purpose of the NCLS is to help churches to be more vital and effective. Through the survey our churchgoers will … Read more

Church news for the week beginning 23rd October 2016

Today’s Bible Talk Today Jodie continues our series on the Old Testament book of Job, with the title, ‘Mythbusting Religion’ from chapters 25 to 26. Parish Council Our Parish Council meets this Tuesday, 25th October at 7.30 pm at the church. Please remember them in your prayers. Prime Time Social Join us this Friday, 28th October at 10am at the church for Prime … Read more

Mythbusting Reality Talk 10 – Mythbusting Repentance Job 22-25 outline

Job: Mythbusting Reality 10: Mythbusting Repentance Job chapters 22 to 24 ✦  Jodie McNeill A spectacular backflip   A recap of Job   Eliphaz says that Job needs to repent (chapter 22) • It’s a horrible feeling to be falsely ________________. • God knows ____________________, and he will judge ________________. • It’s wrong to become a … Read more

Coming up this Sunday 23rd October 2016

This Sunday Jodie continues our series on the Old Testament book of Job, with the title, ‘Mythbusting Religion’ from chapters 25 to 26. We will also be hearing an update about the new churches that have been established thanks to the Archbishop of Sydney’s New Churches for New Communities (NCNC) initiative. If you’re wanting to check out … Read more

Church news for the week beginning 16th October 2016

Today’s Bible Talk Today Jodie begins the second half of our series on the Old Testament book of Job from chapters 22 to 24 with the title, ‘Mythbusting repentance.’ Ladies Dinner This Tuesday night 18th October is our next Ladies’ Dinner. Our speaker is Christine Jensen. We meet at our church and start at 7pm. Dinner is $7 payable at the door, and there is no need to RSVP. … Read more

Coming up this Sunday 16th October 2016

This Sunday Jodie will begin the second half of our series on the Old Testament book of Job from chapters 22 to 24 on the topic, ‘Mythbusting repentance.’. It’s also the right time for us to recognise many of the needs of our missionaries, so we’ll have a special report about what’s been happening in the lives of our partners … Read more

Church news for the week beginning 9th October 2016

Today’s Bible Talk Today we welcome Dan Odell, chaplain at Shellharbour Anglican College, who will be speaking on the topic “The Prodigal Son” from Luke chapter 15 verses 11 to 32. Next week’s Bible Talk Next week, Jodie will begin the second half of our series on the Old Testament book of Job, “Mythbusting Reality”, from chapters 22 to 24. SWITCH Women’s Conference The women’s conference for … Read more

Coming up this Sunday 9th October 2016

This Sunday we welcome Dan Odell, who will be speaking on the topic “The Prodigal Son” from Luke chapter 15 verses 11 to 32. We will also take time during our service to remember Jesus’ death as we eat the symbolic meal of the Lord’s Supper. Be sure to join us. During our service, we’ll have our weekly question and answer time, … Read more

Church news for the week beginning 2nd October 2016

Today’s Bible Talk Today we welcome Matthew Meek, who will be speaking on the topic “Trusting God” from Genesis chapter 22 verses 1 to 19. Next week’s Bible Talk Next week, Dan Odell, chaplain at Shellharbour Anglican College, will be speaking on the topic “The Prodigal Son” from Luke chapter 15 verses 11 to 32. Men’s Dinner This Tuesday night, 4th October is our next Men’s … Read more