Being alert but not alarmed

We had all hoped that the days of terror after the September 11 attacks would not return to our shores too soon. Yet as the national security threat level rose last week, it was quickly followed by arrests that allegedly foiled an imminent attack upon civilians. This news unsettles us and it weakens the confidence we have … Read more

Ministry apprenticeships make sense

There are many things that prepared me for the regular challenges and opportunities of my role at Oak Flats Anglican. My formal training at Moore College had a huge impact on my understanding of who God is as he has revealed himself in the Bible. But when it comes to what to do ‘on the ground’, … Read more

How to live with the ‘enemy’

On Wednesday night, SBS TV aired the show ‘Living with the enemy’, in which Glenquarie Anglican minister David Ould hosted a gay couple for five days, after which he then lived in their world for a further five days. In this reality TV show, the two opposing parties tried to help their opponent understand their view … Read more

How safe do you feel?

At this week’s Community Safety Popup Meeting in Oak Flats, Sergeant Jason Harrison asked me how safe we felt in our church. I chatted with him about some of our minor safety concerns, from graffiti through to isolated incidents of domestic violence. Yet overall we agreed that Oak Flats is a suburb in which we can largely … Read more

Horror movies right there on my Facebook

  Gone are the days when Facebook feeds were full of cat videos and family selfies. These days we’re more likely to see videos with beheadings and war crimes. More than ever it’s important for us to be careful with what we watch online. After all, it’s impossible to “un see” the graphic content posted … Read more

Tears of a clown

News this week of the death of actor and comic Robin Williams has brought grief to millions of people around the world. In his tragic suicide, we saw the worst possible outcome of the severe depression that caused him such deep sorrow. It reminds us afresh of the seriousness of this disease of the mind, … Read more

God loves Gammy

This week we heard of how an overseas surrogate mother refused to have an abortion when the parents found out one of her twins was unwell. Doctors discovered that the child had Down syndrome and serious medical problems. At birth, the biological parents brought the healthy baby girl to Australia, but they abandoned her unhealthy … Read more

Pray for an end to the Iraqi persecution

The Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Glenn Davies, has joined calls for prayer and international assistance for Iraqi Christians facing severe persecution, even death, for their faith. “It is an outrage that a community established in the early centuries of the Christian era should face expulsion from their own land, simply for their faith.” Dr Davies … Read more

Why we need to bring back the bodies

Our nation has been disgusted with how the MH17 crash site has been treated. The possessions of the deceased have been robbed and rummaged through, and it’s made us angry. Even worse is the warning from our Prime Minister that some Australian bodies may never return home. This upsets us because we feel the need … Read more

Finding comfort after MH17

News of the missile attack on Malaysian Airlines MH17 over Ukraine has brought shockwaves of grief and sadness. We are saddened when natural disasters cause human loss, but we are outraged when death comes from deliberate human actions. Yet regardless of the circumstances, God leads us when we grieve. He loves us and brings us comfort … Read more