Kids’ Church kick off!

This Sunday morning we launch ‘Kids’ Church’, our new children’s program at 9am. We have made this step to help serve the children and families of current and future members. This new program aims to help the children learn and grow in a way that suits their age and stage. It also helps the parents and carers focus on church … Read more

The tragedy of Rolf Harris

The conviction this week of Rolf Harris for multiple cases of sexual assault is tragic for many reasons. Above all, it is a tragedy for the girls he indecently assaulted. We should pray for them and for all victims of sexual abuse, as they seek to recover and rebuild their shattered lives. Yet the sins … Read more

Only one life

At the end of last week’s Bible talk, I read a famous poem by Charles Studd, a British missionary and international cricketer. According to Wikipedia: “As a cricketer he played for England in the 1882 match won by Australia which was the origins of The Ashes. As a British Protestant Christian missionary to China he was … Read more

What game do they play in Heaven?

It’s been a big week for sport, with success at the State of Origin, and a great performance at the FIFA World Cup. We Aussies love our sport, and for many people, it’s the closest thing to organised ‘religion’. Some joke that their favourite sport is the one that will be played in Heaven. The … Read more

Announcing our 2015 MTS ministry apprenticeship program

  It is amazing to think that God chooses people like you and me to communicate his message about Jesus. Yet as we teach others the word of God, we share Jesus through our lips and our lives. I learnt a lot about word ministry when I did a two-year MTS apprenticeship before I studied at Moore College. This hands-on apprenticeship gave … Read more

The biggest problem of all

Doctors and scientists are clever people, but they’ve never been able to solve the biggest problem of all: death. We are born and then we die. Other than the exceptions of Enoch (Genesis 5:24) and Elijah (2 Kings 2:11), everyone who lived has died. Death is the biggest problem that humans face. Which means that … Read more

Is God about to send a Tsunami?

This week I received a printed flyer in my letterbox that said ‘WARNING: Prepare for a Tsunami to hit the East Coast of Australia.’ Whoever wrote this document said that they’d had several dreams in which they saw a giant wave hit the Illawarra. So, they published a short document to warn people to turn to God before facing … Read more

One church to serve them all

  God has made us with individual tastes and preferences. We have different styles and colours of clothing and hair. We enjoy different music, movies and sports. Often the things we like are the same as others who are the same age or stage as us. That’s why some churches choose to make each of … Read more

Did Jesus really exist?

Students in my High School Scripture class often ask me whether or not Jesus really existed. They want proof that Jesus from Nazareth was a real figure of history and not just a figure of our imaginations. The truth is that nearly every proper historian agrees that Jesus was a real person who is a part of … Read more