Are you feeling satisfied?

When we’re not fighting to survive, we usually spend our time trying to get satisfied. People try and get satisfied by making money, or seeking sex, or running after the ultimate ‘good time’. Yet even with all the money, sex, and pleasure, we won’t be truly satisfied unless we fill ourselves with Jesus. Jesus said, … Read more

God teaches old dogs new tricks

You might think that you’re too old or too set in your ways to change. But that’s not the way that God sees things. Many people had their lives transformed by Jesus when they met him, and this still happens today. If you say sorry to Jesus for living your own life, and ask him … Read more

Jesus brings real hope at Easter

When a hero dies in a story, it’s usually bad news. Except when the hero comes back to life. That’s what makes Easter such a good story. When Jesus rose from the dead, he showed that he was the boss of death. Jesus won, and death lost. So, when we trust in Jesus, then his … Read more

What’s so good about Good Friday?

It’s odd to think that we would choose to call the day of the death of our king a ‘good friday’. After all, it was our fault that he needed to die at all. It all happened because the first humans chose to rebel against God’s leadership of their life. And because they rebelled against … Read more

Jesus brings freedom from religion

  It might come as a surprise, but Jesus was one of the most anti-religious people to ever walk the planet. Instead of rewarding the religious leaders, he called them hypocrites because of the way they misrepresented God. He did this because Christianity is not about how people climb up to God by doing religious acts, but … Read more

Insights from the ‘City to City’ conference

Over this past week I have been privileged to spend three days at the ‘City to City Pastors and Planters Conference’, featuring Tim Keller from Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York. Whilst there are many insights that I will take and use in the weeks, months and years to come, a particular aspect of the … Read more

Fully God and fully man!

One of the truths about Jesus that is so often confused is what his true nature is really like. Some people tend to think that Jesus is more ‘God’ than ‘man’, and that he only really appears to be human. Some people tend to think that Jesus is a bit more ‘man’ than ‘God’, and … Read more

David Slocombe joins our staff team!

  At last Sunday’s Annual General Meeting I was delighted to announce that David Slocombe has accepted my invitation to join our staff team as Parish Administrator. David will assist me by helping our church manage our many projects and people, as we seek to be as efficient and wise with the resources with which … Read more

The privilege of teaching Scripture

This week marks the beginning of a new era in teaching Scripture at Oak Flats High School, as Adam Hotson, our assistant minister, joins me as together we teach the Bible to over a hundred students each week in years 7 and 8. Last year I only taught each year 7 class once per fortnight, … Read more