The Blessed Mary

Many people throughout the history of God’s people have received a great honour from God that was completely undeserved. Mary, like those people, was nothing more than an ordinary human with an extraordinary privilege. It is hard to conceive just how amazing it would be for a woman to receive news that she would give … Read more

Are you feeling full or empty?

Christmas is about filling things up: our stomachs with huge meals… our stockings with presents… and our letterboxes with junk mail! Yet it’s often at this time of excess that so many of us feel empty. At its heart, Christmas is not about food, gifts or family: it’s about the real birth of the real … Read more

Billy Graham and ‘The Cross’

It is difficult to overstate how God has used our brother Billy Graham to see countless men, women and children come to know Jesus as their personal saviour. In what may prove to be his final message, Dr Graham featured in a half-hour-long documentary, in which he reflects on his past ministry, but more than … Read more

The difference Jesus’ death really makes

Our world-wide Anglican fellowship is a pretty ‘broad’ church in many ways. There are people from all continents, who gather together in lots of different ways, speaking different languages and bringing God’s word to many different tribes and nations in a way that is meaningful to the individual contexts. Unfortunately, there are some ways in … Read more

I’m dreaming of a real Christmas

Christmas is full of dreams… but so often those dreams are not realised. We dream for real presents, but we end up with undies and socks; we dream about rich relationships, but we end up with conflict and awkward moments; we dream about fulfilment, but we end up empty. Our world is dreaming of a … Read more

Looking back, looking forward

It was Winston Churchill who famously said that “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” That is why it’s healthy for us to reflect upon our history here at St Andrew’s Anglican Church, Oak Flats. Back in 1947, a church service was hosted in an Oak Flats home, … Read more

Does judging a person define us?

This week a local ‘artist’ wrote the following on a brick wall in Oak Flats: “Judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who you are.” The idea of ‘judging’ seems to fly in the face of our contemporary world which embraces the individual’s right to make choices about everything from hairstyle to … Read more

Pray for our defence force and their chaplains

This Sunday is Defence Sunday, a day which is important for us as we pray for the members of our defence force and for their chaplains. The group, ‘Defence Anglicans’ remind us of the importance of Defence Sunday: Whilst Remembrance Day recalls the tragedy of World War 1 and the hope for peace which came with … Read more

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

Well if the growing sightings of tinsel in shopping centre decorations is any indication, Christmas is only just around the corner. This year our church continues our tradition of meeting for Community Christmas Carols to be held the Sunday night before Christmas, on the 22nd December at 5pm. It’s a great night for both members … Read more

Praise God for GAFCON 2013

This week in Nairobi, over 1300 Anglican ministers from around the world joined together at GAFCON, the ‘Global Anglican Futures Conference’ to encourage each other to persevere with the historical faith that is grounded on the real Jesus, whom we know in his word, the Bible. One of our Sydney Anglican ministers at GAFCON, Nigel … Read more