We pray for the bushfire victims

It is hard to imagine just what it is like to lose everything in a natural disaster. Yet, sadly this is the experience that many people share after this week’s extreme fires that have caused such loss to so many people. We pray for those who have been affected by injuries and deaths, and we pray … Read more

Thanks to God for the last twelve months!

Well, friends, it’s hard to believe it, but it’s now a full year since my family joined the church family at Oak Flats Anglican. On behalf of Mandy, Liana, Jemimah, Oscar and Hugo, I can certainly say that we give great thanks to God for all that he has done over these wonderful twelve months together. … Read more

Don’t miss our annual church holiday!

A few weeks ago I read a ‘tweet’ from a ministry friend in which he described his church weekendaway as their ‘annual holiday.’ It’s funny, but even after a lifetime of going on camps, houseparties and church retreats, I can’t ever remember hearing this title used for these residential events. But I love the name, … Read more

The joy of temporary community

In the world of ‘Christian camping’ there’s an expression that keeps on popping up: ‘temporary community.’ It’s a great way to describe what happens when a group goes away to effectively ‘live’ together at the one place at the one time. Our theology drives us to see our gatherings around the word of God by … Read more

Announcing our Church Weekendaway – March 2014!

Guess what? Our whole church is going away on holidays together! On the weekend of 21st to 23rd March next year we’re heading away together to the beautiful ‘Waterslea’ site in Nowra for a great Bible teaching, prayer, and lots of opportunities to informally spend time together across the ages of our church. Our guest … Read more

An anxious wait for Syria

Over the past few weeks we have seen pictures on our screens that have led us to shock and sadness. The evidence that President Assad has fired chemical weapons on his own people shows the deep chaos that has crippled Syria as the country suffers from the effects of long-term civil war. Now it seems … Read more

How will you vote on 7th September?

It’s only a short time until the adults of our nation choose our future Federal Government leaders for the next three years. We can be thankful to God for the peace and good order of our nation and the opportunity we have to be regularly involved in this democratic process. We should continue to pray … Read more

Church streaming live on the Internet

The best way to participate in church is to come together in the same place at the same time to gather around Jesus, present in his word by his Spirit, as we pray to our heavenly Father and serve one another in love. Yet for those of us who are unwell, housebound or absent, there … Read more