Searching for King Jesus

It was a privilege to be part of a greying set of “boomers” who combined forces with our highly efficient Church Administrator, Scripture teacher, Youth group “Refuge” leader Val [Squire] O’Regan and our other Youth group leader “Sir” Daniel Rainey [Knight], as they went in search of King Jesus at our “Real Kids” day held … Read more


We have all heard these words!  After the barbecue topic has been fully discussed, someone will conclude with “At the end of the day…..”.  In the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), Jesus speaks of a master who went on a journey and handed his possessions into the stewardship of his three servants. Each received … Read more

Learning to be content

Nowadays it’s almost impossible to be content. There are always new things… and we want them! The new phone, the new car, the new house, everything new. We don’t necessarily NEED it, but we WANT it. Life is never enough, we always want more and we always think that we need more. Even back in the … Read more

Drought and its Consequences

In our: “…sunburnt country of droughts and flooding rains…”  (Dorothea Mackellar) we have come to live with the environment often without really understanding it; just hoping the rains will come. Drought in the East has reached catastrophic proportions, while in the West good rains have fallen in recent times. Why the West and not the … Read more

Church news for the week beginning 30th June 2019

Today’s Talk Today we have Peter Blencowe preaching on the topic ‘Thanksgiving and Prayer ‘ from Colossians chapter 1, verses 1 to 14. New Mini-Series Next week we welcome Grahame Scarratt, who will be begin a 4 week mini-series on the Old Testament book of Joel. Real Kids Day On Monday 22nd July it’s our … Read more

God’s Holy People in Colossae

THE CITY To study Paul’s letter to the church at Colossae is to look at the life and times of a Christian group in present day Turkey! Colossae is the crossroads for travellers coming from nearby Laodicea and Hierapolis (2:1, 4:13) or, even from Ephesus. Once famous for its wool, by the time of Paul, … Read more

No Compromise

The talk for this Sunday is entitled “Will you compromise in the face of persecution?”.  I looked on the web sites of Barnabas Fund and Open Doors for examples to add some weight to my talk but was overwhelmed by the amount of relevant content. I have Egyptian Christian friends who still have family living … Read more


Saul was rejected from being king in the first few years of his reign, possibly as few as five, certainly no more than ten.  When Saul was rejected God immediately chose another king; that man was the young David.  But Saul reigned for forty years, the Bible tells us, which means that the young David … Read more

Why Serve?

We all want our lives to matter. It’s the reason we do the things we do. We chase promotions and leadership positions because we want to make a difference. We encourage our kids to go to university, get a good job, and make lots of money, in the hope that they, too, will make a … Read more

What is better?

It is now two weeks since the federal election, and after a long campaign, we are all breathing a sigh of relief!  A new government is now in power, ready to enact the many promises it made for a better Australia. But what is a better Australia?  Is it full employment? A prosperous economy? New … Read more