Meeting Expectations

Different people expect different things from us. When a lot of people are pulling on you, those expectations can build up like a mountain and bury you. We all want people to be pleased with us, but we must also realise that they frequently have unrealistic expectations and sometimes selfish ones.  So why don’t we … Read more

The End of the World

Recent protests have highlighted the concern amongst some young (and not so young) people on the topic of climate change.   The basic issue for them is that the burning of fossil fuels is producing a very rapid and possibly irreversible change in climate. Humans are to take immediate action to end fossil fuel usage … Read more

What are your odds of getting into Heaven?

Gambling permeates every level of society. Citizens and governments are so wedded to it that it has an all but unstoppable life of its own. But it will stop for all gamblers and leaders when they face their Creator. The Powerball pool of $145M was won on the 19th of September and split three ways. … Read more

Is truth dead or is it just a lie?

It all started in the Garden. Satan lied to Eve, Eve lied to Adam blaming Satan and Adam lied blaming Eve. Collectively they all blamed God. When the Ten Commandments came, acting and telling the truth was enshrined in statute: Truth towards God, self, family and community. It sounds so simple but as a result … Read more

The two certainties in life

A few years ago, an advertisement aired on television about the two certainties in life: death and taxes.  The commentator went on to say he could not do much about death, so the most important thing he should do was take control of his taxes. We may pay different tax rates, but death is the … Read more

More than a meal

I have been involved with youth ministry for the last 14 years in one way or another and threading through the conversations I’ve had with teens is one overriding need—to belong to something bigger than themselves.  Teenagers have a hard time expressing what they really need, beyond their surface pursuits. However, when you study their … Read more

The last thing the world needs is more education

Experts in life still suggest better education will solve the world’s problems, but then fail to explain why it is has failed to do so after how many thousands of years of trying. Education is a blessing from God, but it can just end up providing more skills for criminals to apply their trade on … Read more

Peace and love, (for) Man!

This month marks 50 years since the famous Woodstock Folk Festival in America. Apart from the music, drugs and other unsavoury activities, a major theme was ‘Make Love, Not War’, set against the back-drop of the Vietnam conflict. As near a half-million people immersed themselves in ‘peace and love’ one commented that the experience was … Read more

What the world needs now is?

Some will remember the Burt Bacharach Hal David song which commences:  “What the world needs now is love sweet love. It is the only thing that there is just too little of”. The second verse reads: “Lord we don’t need another mountain” and ends: “Enough to last till the end of time” What does the … Read more

Speak on behalf of those yet to be born

I appeal for a respectful debate concerning abortion and I urge MPs to use their conscience vote to reject this bill. It is not appropriate to rush this bill without widespread community consultation.  Abortion is available in New South Wales and the criminal code provisions have not prevented women from seeking abortions. Rather, the law … Read more