Farewell from the Fifers

It is hard to believe that the time to say “good-bye” has come.  While we would love to continue with you here, it is not possible because last year we promised to look after the Anglican Church in Randwick while their minister takes some long-service leave in June and July. It is a commitment that … Read more

Is God asleep?

Have you ever thought that God is asleep? Maybe it seems He isn’t concerned about your problems and difficulties. Or perhaps you feel He isn’t listening to your prayers. The writer of Psalm 44 had a similar feeling in his difficult situation. He writes:  “Awake, Lord! Why do you sleep? Rouse yourself! Do not reject … Read more

Mums (in) the word

Motherhood and apple pie are two topics about which there is little debate. Both are seen as inherently good, especially the latter with a scoop of ice cream!  In Genesis, motherhood is God’s good gift established for the procreation and nurture of children. However, in our fallen world, motherhood can at the same time be … Read more

What is in a Name?

We each have a first name (used to be Christian names) and they have history attached to them. In turn some have chosen names for their offspring.  Most Christian names stick while some get reduced or even by-passed for an “ungiven” one.  There are family names and traditions such as the first daughter being named … Read more

Who is King in Israel?

Earlier in the year we read the early chapters of 1 Samuel so I thought that I would lead you through the next section of this fascinating book of the Old Testament – 1 Samuel 12-17. Though they are named after Samuel, the books of Samuel really tell the story of David who emerged as … Read more

The Meaning of the Empty Tomb

You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. Mark 16:6 …… we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to himself. 2 Corinthians 4:14

Archbishop’s Easter Message

50 years ago, the world was looking towards space – waiting for the first moon landing.  At the time, US President Richard Nixon described it as ‘the greatest week in the history of the world since Creation!’  The great preacher Billy Graham quickly corrected him – saying that far greater was the week of the … Read more

Not in vain

Unlike concreting or car mechanics, teaching is one of  those tasks for which it is often difficult to see any tangible results for your effort. It is the same with preaching the word of God.  Recently a team of church members presented Easter seminars at Oak Flats High School. Approximately seventy-five students in total attended. … Read more

More Than Chocolate Eggs

For many in our secular world, the ‘celebrations’ for Easter will centre around time away from the world of work. There will also be Easter eggs and chocolates in a variety of types and forms; the Easter bunny will make an appearance and, of course, there will be the aroma of freshly toasted hot cross … Read more


What makes us a member of a family may not be asked regularly perhaps because the answer may seem so obvious. But is it?  All of us are related to someone meaning we are members of a family of some description and none had a chance to choose into which one they we would be … Read more